That would be disappointing, however, as SWOW is shaping up to be an incredibly impressive mod and it would be a shame to see it shut down so early on. Star Wars is a big name in several entertainment industries, and much like Nintendo shuts down fan projects, Disney may shut down the Star Wars Open World mod if its legal team decides it is a big enough infringement.

The design document makes it abundantly clear within the first few pages that no money is being made from the project, likely to appease Disney's lawyers who may shut down a fan project otherwise. Fortunately for those looking for more Fallout content soon, the modding community doesn't end with Star Wars Open World also soon to offer a wealth of content is the less ambitious but still impressive DLC-sized Fallout London mod. There is no download for the mod itself yet, but there is a design document outlining plans for the project. These Fallout mods are pretty cool and dedicated to respecting the same vibe from Modern Warfare 2 - so if you fancied showing Mr Handy who's boss, your time to shine has arrived.The mod is currently being created with Karim Najib working as designer and mentor, and Tank_Girl444 handling development. If you want the M4 in a more heist-esque way, you can grab it from inside the locked armoury room at Fort Hagen. You can also bring them into the game with console commands - but there's another avenue for the assault rifle.

Once the mods are downloaded, there are a few places to get the weapons - first is at the crafting bench, where you can make the pair of weapons for yourself. Where Do You Find The Modern Warfare Guns In Fallout? Well, that's provided you have the game on PC. So far, the creator has added the M4 Assault Rifle and the Signal 50 Sniper to the Wasteland, meaning you can beam and snipe Deathclaws to your heart's content, all while imagining you're Captain Price. Better yet, the Fallout mod includes many of the same sounds and animations coming straight from Modern Warfare. One Fallout 4 mod creator has been hard at work bringing the firepower from Modern Warfare 2 (the new one) to the game.Ĭreator WarfightersWorkshop has been grinding away to bring the weapons of MW2 to Bethesda's nuclear juggernaut - with an attempt to reflect the same ability to customise and replicate the feel of the weapons in the game. God bless modders and all they do for us.